Promoting Arts and Talent

Dada Pamlaa Foundation supports Arts and Talent Promotions for upcoming artists as well as famous artists. Beyond the creative benefits that art has on society, art has a measurable impact on our economy, health and well-being of the people. 

Training & Supporting Farmers

The Foundation runs a program that trains & supports Kenyan farmers with vital skills and new technological advancements in the field of agribusiness. The acquired skills help individuals and community as a whole to improve their socio-economic status.

Community Development

We aim to support less advantaged Kenyans in order to enable them to fully participate in the matters impacting their communities. Locals can come together, work together through our trainings and become sustainable and productive.

Thriving Green Planet

Dada Pamlaa Foundation is concerned with global warming and its effects thus we train and encourage farmers on farming practices that do not exacerbate global warning. We support locals to plant more trees and use alternative safer energies.

Poverty Impact on Mental Health

Poverty should not be an acceptable way normal way of life as it dehumanizes. It should be fought from the air, ground and the sea by all means and all governments. Studies have shown higher prevalence of ill mental health in low income groups, displaced people and those trapped in generational cycle of poverty . Mental illness may arise from several factors including but not limited to lack of balanced diet, poor living conditions, lack of available and affordable basic health care, unemployment , scare of debts etc.  The World Health Organization evidence indicates that the relationship between mental ill health and poverty is cyclical: poverty increases the risk of mental ill health and having a mental disorder increase the likehood of descending into poverty.

Other than generational poverty, there are those rendered homeless by political violence, political ideologies or natural disasters. The common factor in all these is the loss of livelihood which make them vulnerable to mental ill health as they have to depend on well-wishers for basic survival and children’s education sometimes where no schools exist. Dada Pamlaa team of experts uses food security as entry point to address mental health and vulnerable groups are identified and empowered according to their background and need.

Dada Pamlaa foundation is dedicated to a wholistic integrated approach of food security, education and mental health. These cannot be separated as it is the foundation of a healthy and wealthy nation.

Poverty Impact on Education

According to World Vision, California, the cycle of poverty is defined as: “…a phenomenon where poor families become impoverished for at least three generations.”

Dada Pamlaa Foundation endeavor’s to help children break the cycle of poverty through education. Empowering communities for food security must be accompanied with empowered analytical minds through education. Lack of these two make our communities and children vulnerable to misuse by extremists and manipulation by politicians. The environment where children live and school impacts on their psychology and hence education. Limited education consequently leads to limited access to resources hence perpetuating the cycle of poverty.

The Covid-19 pandemic has brought many social issues to the surface, none more than breaking the poverty cycle and education. It reduced so many families back to extreme poverty and needs quick concerted attention to recover the population. No food, no movement , no education is condemnation to death. Lets work together to recover our populations for enhanced development.

In you Dada Pamlaa Foundation has a strong focus on food security for  education.  Children and communities will be targeted for intervention according to their specific needs. Incubation centres too are part of our interventions. Our expertise and experience in education and building resilience in communities is our sword.

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